image courtesy of Mathieu Ajan (2017)

Select Works

TV, Radio & Media Appearances

  • ‘Sunday Situations’ w/ Summaya Mughal (2021). Regular Feature. BBC Radio Midlands.

  • 'Summaya Mughal Evening Show' (2018-2019). BBC Radio Nottingham.

  • 'The Pop Game' w/ Timbaland (2017). TV, Lifetime, Los Angeles.

  • 'The Joy of Memes', Lola Mosanya (2017). BBC Radio 1/ 1Xtra, BBC Newsbeat.

  • Electric Nebraska’, Felicity Bromley-Hall (2016). Impact Magazine.

Professional Certifications

  • Public Art and Pedagogy: Merging Public Art and Experimental Education (Art of the MOOC: Duke University & Creative Time)

  • Delivering a LGBT Inclusive PSHE and RSE Curriculum (Stonewall) (National College)

  • Empowering and Safeguarding Girls by Tackling Gender Stereotyping in Schools (National College)

  • What Does Outstanding Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Look Like? (National College)

  • Teaching Emotional Literacy: How to Support Pupils’ Behavioural Development (National College)

Artist & Practitioner (Multimedia)

PhD: ‘Fanon: a theatre of embodiment’ (2022-2025) Drama: Theatre and Performance, University of Nottingham. Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council (Midlands4Cities).

Select work, currently in commission:

  • Book Chapter: ‘Fanon: a theatre of embodiment’ in ‘The Routledge Companion to Global South Literatures’. (forthcoming, 2024) Felicity Bromley-Hall, Jean Khalfa. Routledge, ed. Alfred J. López. (writer)

  • Book Review: ‘Staging 21st Century Tragedies: Theatre, Politics, and Global Crisis’ (forthcoming, 2024) by Avra Sidiropoulou, Routledge, 2022, for JCDE (Journal of Contemporary Drama in English). (writer)

  • Film installation: ‘Life is Like a Box of Letters’ (2024) Felicity Bromley-Hall, Susan Betty Hall. (filmmaker)

  • Edited collection, Book: 'a bird and a blue sky' (2018-ongoing). Felicity Bromley-Hall. Book. Multimedia anthology on the importance of loving people whilst they are still alive to feel it. Launched: BBC Radio. (writer/ curator)

    Select work, archived:

  • Film Documentary: ‘A Seat At Our Table’ (2022) Maison Foo, Theatre Company of Sanctuary. Commissioned by Derby CAN, in partnership with Oddfellows UK and Derby Museums. (filmmaker)

  • Film installation, as part of: ‘A Seat At Our Table (October, 2022) Maison Foo, Theatre Company of Sanctuary at Pickford House, Derby. Launching October. (filmmaker)

  • Interactive film series, as part of: ‘Creative Inspire’ (2022) Maison Foo, Theatre Company of Sanctuary for World Refugee Week. Launching 20th June. (filmmaker)

  • ‘Meet Your Neighbour’ Online. (2022) Maison Foo, Theatre Company of Sanctuary.

  • ‘Escape to Solastalgia’. (2021, Taipei, Taiwan.) Karin Janssen. (wall panel/ press writer) Escape to Solastalgia is Janssen’s second solo exhibition in Taiwan. Rooted in her interest in the psychology of climate change, this body of work explores the meaning of the word ‘solastalgia’: the troubling dichotomy of finding both comfort and suffering in the future of our ecosystems. It is defined by a feeling of duality which emerges and unravels itself in the particular grief one experiences in a world which, whilst momentarily still breathing, deteriorates all around us.

  • ‘Meet Your Neighbour’ Installation. (2021) Maison Foo, Theatre Company of Sanctuary. (process filmmaker/ embedded journalist) - Artists and designers from around the world fuse together audio storytelling, visual art and new technologies to bring the tales and passions of neighbours currently seeking sanctuary in the UK, to life.

  • ‘a letter to a little white horse’ / who lost the world and gave her heart in return (2021). Felicity Bromley-Hall. Original short film. ‘When our friend took her life beside the horse that she left behind, I promised her mother that I would take care of her. I didn’t know yet how much I would come to need her too’. (writer/filmmaker)

  • 'a bird and a blue sky' (2018-ongoing). Felicity Bromley-Hall. First book. Multimedia anthology on the importance of loving people whilst they are still alive to feel it. Launched: BBC Radio. (writer/ curator)

  •  ‘Alienation & Freedom: Frantz Fanon’s Lost and Last Works’ (2018). Dr Jean Khalfa & Robert Young, Goldsmiths University of London. (actor/ demonstrator) 

  • 'Lost Fanon' (2017). Frantz Fanon. Autograph ABP, London. Requested by Dr Jean Khalfa (Fanon Institute & Trinity College, Cambridge) to direct and curate the world premiere of Frantz Fanon's plays in the English Language (The Drowning Eye/ L'Œil se Noie, and Parallel Hands /Les Mains Parallèles, written 1949). Sold out in under 48 hours and requested for further exhibition. (director, curator)

  •  'I Can Hear The Barbarians' (2017). Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Nottingham Contemporary. Exploring ideas of passage, self-placement, virtual geography, poetic consciousness and the mortality inflected in the poetry of Waly Salamão. Incorporating simultaneous translations of Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic and English. (actor/ performer)

  •  ‘Alienation & Freedom’ (2017). Jean Khalfa. Nottingham Contemporary (actor/ performer)

  • (2017). Jess Espin-Thurgur. Stage play premiered at Lyric Evolution Festival, Hammersmith Lyric Theatre. (assistant director). 

  • ‘The Importance of Skin' (2017). Thea Gajic. Film premiered via Short of the Week and screened at BFI. (creative director).

  • ‘The Social Medium’ (2017). Saziso Phiri. The Anti-Gallery, Frequency Festival. (wall panels/ copywriter)

  •  ‘#theyaresilent. Adapting the Nation: Exploring identity and nationality through social media performance' (2016). Felicity Bromley-Hall. An original, filmed adaptation of three plays exploring the fluidity of national boundaries and the impact of those boundaries on the people living between them. Exhibited & presented at: English Showcase, Nottingham. (video & written text)

  •  'Outside the Lines' (2016). UNmediated Theatre. Original performance exploring the importance of ‘play’. (actor, choreographer)

  •  ‘LOVEBOX’ Festival (2016). MAMA. Set design and set-up, inc. large scale set & stage design and soft and hard furnishings. (for around 80,000 people and VIP). (creative production team member)

  • 'RUN' (2016). Thea Gajic. Film premiered via Short of the Week & screened at BFI. Awarded: Sundance Film Festival, Short of the Week, BFI Black Star Award, BFI Future Talent Award, BFI Postroom Pick of the Month. (assistant director, copywriter).

  •  ‘Linguistic Profiling for Professionals’ (2016). Louise Mullany. University of Nottingham, 2016. (actor/ demonstrator)

  • 'the world is a womb' (2015). Felicity Bromley-Hall. Sensory graphic novel exploring collective & individual experiences of women. (static visual & written text)

  •   'Sonny's Letter' (2015). Felicity Bromley-Hall. Requested for exhibition by Dr Matthew Green, for 'Teaching Comics' symposium (Brighton, 2016). Examining racism as both historical & constant threat to social justice. Published online: University of Nottingham. (static visual & written text)

Gallery Work

  • Artist Filmmaker & Research (2017-2018). Felicity Bromley-Hall, New Art Exchange. Contemporary art space, stimulating new perspectives on the value of diversity in arts and society. Created & implemented the gallery's first 'artist documentary' series, widening access to the works via online exhibition & social media. Inc. interviews with local, community makers to internationally-renowned artists & Turner Prize Nominees. inc. features with Sonia Boyce MBE, Ain Bailey, Elsa M'Bala, Seung Woo BACK. Implemented years ahead of the 2020 Corona pandemic, innovations of these kind – where the gallery does not have to be visited to be valuable – have now proven crucial to securing the social longevity of so many of our country’s Arts organisations.

Community/ Youth Arts Facilitator

  • Alternative Provision Education (2020). Felicity is also delighted to have worked in an Alternative Provision School which supports vulnerable students in the pursuit of previously ‘unimagined futures’. It uses various Arts and alternative programmes as a way to deliver an education which may have previously ‘not worked’ for students, to now instead work with them. It places students and student welfare at the forefront of every school experience, working in constant dialogue with each young person to discover and rediscover how learning environments can best be adapted and improved to aid every young person, no matter the background, to achieve excellence in their own field – whatever that field may turn out to be.

  • New Art Exchange (2017- 2019).

    Working alongside other, community-based practitioners w/ a particular focus on how young people engage with work in the gallery, improving accessibility, value & interest within the local community. Inc. eg. visual & performing arts, music production, gallery visits. Adapting delivery of complex artistic & socio-political material to make appropriate for audience.

    YARD Theatre, Saturday Art Club. Assisting facilitators in delivering free/ minimal-fee arts & theatre programmes for young people in the local area.

    Young, Black & Present. Working alongside NAE’s creative productive team to create an event providing space for Nottingham's young, Black creatives & activists to present their practise to new audiences & speak about the experiences that have shaped their work.

    YOUnique Festival: Young People’s Summit. Facilitating and guiding young people in organising the first Young People's Summit at NAE, showcasing local talent & practitioners, young artists & performers and a day of workshops and talks.